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Li Ka-shing Foundation Program in Modern Chinese History at UC Berkeley

Program Officer

Events, Communications, Publications


University of California, Berkeley

Ph.D., History, awarded August 2019

Dissertation Title: “Mutiny in Hunan: Writing and Rewriting the ‘Warlord Era’ in Early Republican Chinese History”        

Committee: Professors Wen-hsin Yeh (Chair), Peter Zinoman, You-tien Hsing


Columbia University

M.A. in Regional Studies: East Asia, May 2006

M.A. Thesis Title: “From Collective Institutions to Informal Association: The Changing Role of Native-place Ties in China”

Advisor: Professor Madeleine Zelin


Harvard University

B.A. in Social Studies, June 2004, Magna Cum Laude

Senior Thesis Title: “Uniting Ideology and Practice: The Influence of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought on PRC Education Policy, 1949-1976”


Stanford University

Lecturer, Center for East Asian Studies

Sole instructor for seminar "War and the Making of Modern China"


Civic, Liberal, and Global Education ("COLLEGE") / Thinking Matters Fellow

COLLEGE107: “Preventing Human Extinction” (Paul Edwards, Steve Luby), Spring 2023

COLLEGE102: "Citizenship in the 21st Century," Winter 2022, 2023

COLLEGE101: "Why College?" Fall 2022

THINK65: “Preventing Human Extinction” (Paul Edwards, Steve Luby), Spring 2020-2022

THINK55: “Understanding China Through Film” (Ban Wang), Winter 2020, Fall 2020-2021

THINK60: “American Enemies” (Gordon Chang), Fall 2019


University of San Francisco

Adjunct Faculty

APS 601, “Asia-Pacific Histories and Modernities,” Fall 2015-2018, 2022-2023

Designed and taught seminar (formerly “Comparative Modernization and History of East Asia”)

on China, Korea, and Japan for USF MAPS (Master’s of Arts in Asia-Pacific Studies) program


San Francisco State University

Adjunct Faculty

HIST 362, “Modern China,” Spring 2022

Sole instructor for asynchronous online course on modern Chinese history. Designed syllabus, delivered recorded lectures, graded assignments for 40 students.


University of California, Berkeley

Instructor of Record        

History 116D: “Twentieth-Century China,” Summer 2022, 2023

Design and instruction of lecture course on major events, continuities, and figures

in the history of Twentieth-Century China

History 103F: “War and State Violence in the Making of Modern China,” Spring 2016

Design and instruction of seminar concerning the military history of China

from 1800-present for advanced undergraduate majors

History R1B: “Ethnicity, Nationalism and History in Modern East Asia,” Spring 2014

Designed and taught writing seminar aimed at first-year non-majors


Graduate Student Instructor

Political Economy 101, “Contemporary Theories of Political Economy,” Spring 2018

International Area Studies 45, “Survey of World History,” Fall 2017

History 6B, “History of China, Mongols to Mao,” Spring 2012

History 6A, “History of China: Origins to the Mongol Conquest,” Fall 2010


Reader (Grader)

History 182A: “Science, Technology, and Society,” Spring 2019

Media Studies 111 “Media History,” Fall 2018

History 116D “Twentieth-Century China,” Fall 2011

History 117A, “Chinese Popular Culture,” Spring 2011


Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China, 2007-2009

Global Communications Department Marketing Manager

Part of team tasked to raising international profile of private, not-for-profit, Beijing-based business school. Controlled advertising budget (online and print media), produced marketing materials (brochures), supervised relationships with English-language media, directed events (public lectures and panels), managed exchanges with partner institutions. External communications in English, internal in Chinese


Review of Pierre Fuller, “Famine Relief in Warlord China,” Journal of Chinese History, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2021, pp.137-140


National Central Library (Taiwan), Center for Chinese Studies

Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies (declined), Summer 2014


Fulbright-IIE Fellowship, Department of State

Dissertation research in China, February – December 2013


University of California, Berkeley

Graduate Division Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, 2017

Graduate Division Student Parent Grant Award, 2016-2017

Institute for East Asian Studies Haas Junior Scholars Program, 2014-2015

Center for Chinese Studies Liu Graduate Student Fellowship, 2015

Graduate Division Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship, 2014-15

Graduate Division Student Mentoring and Research Teams Grant, Summer 2012

Center for Chinese Studies Republic of China East Asia Fellowship, Fall 2012

Center for Chinese Studies Summer Research Grant, 2011

Institute for East Asian Studies Li Ka-shing Fellowship, 2009-2014


UC Berkeley Summer Institute for Preparing Future Faculty, Berkeley, CA, Summer 2015


UC Berkeley-Academia Sinica Winter Institute, Taipei, Taiwan

 Institute of Taiwanese History / Institute of Ethnology, January 2013 

 Institute of Modern History, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2011

 Institute of History and Philology, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2010


“A Thin Line Between Civilian and Military Rule? Warlord Politics and Regime Change in Hunan Province, 1911-1921”

Society for Military History Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2023

New York University, New York, NY, April 2023


“Power, Transformation, and Loyalty in Early Republican Hunan”

Annual Meeting of Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, WA, March 2016


“Provincial and Local Governance in Early Republican Hunan”

The Secret and The Sacred: The State and Its Alternatives in Chinese Societies, Interdisciplinary Conference, Berkeley, CA, March 2016


“Law, Morality, and History: Li Jiannong and the Hunan Provincial Constitution Movement, 1920-1925”

Haas Junior Scholars Conference, Berkeley, CA, November 2015


“Values, Laws, and Constitutions: Wang Zhengting, Zhang Shizhao, and the Early Republican Period of Modern Chinese History”

Doctoral Workshop, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2015


“The Birth of A Republic”

Guest Lecture for “History 148B: Modern Chinese History,” (Instructor: Matthew Berry), Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA, February 2015


“The Art of Governing (and not Governing) Hunan in the Early Republic”

University of San Francisco China Research Group, San Francisco, CA, May 2014

Annual Meeting of Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, PA, March 2014


“Explicitly Using Sources to Create a New History: Tan Yankai, Zhao Hengti, and The November 1920 Pingjiang Mutiny in Hunan”

Junior Scholars Conference on China in the 20th Century, Beijing, China, June 2013


Panel Co-organizer

“Under-Stated Leadership: Elite Networks in 20th Century East Asia,” Haas Junior Scholars Conference, Berkeley, CA, November 2015


Panel Organizer

“Networked Governance in Republican and Contemporary China,” Annual Meeting of Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, PA, March 2014


Conference Co-organizer 

Junior Scholars Conference on China in the 20th Century, Beijing, China, June 2013


English (Native) Mandarin Chinese (Excellent), Japanese (Basic Reading), French (Basic)

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